INTRODUCTION: The Malaysia Prevention and Control Disease Act 1988, requires notifying dengue case to health district office (PKD). All notified cases which fulfil the case definition will be register and control action will be initiated, after the verification case. Purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of notification system and evaluate associated factors with the discarded cases. METHODS: The e-notification and e-dengue system were used as the database for review of all cases notified by various healthcare facilities for the year 2018. Proportion of discarded notifications can be expressed as the positive predictive value (PPV) of the notification system. Therefore, we quantified the proportion of discarded to calculate the positive predictive value (PPV). The PPV was used to assess the efficiency of the system. The significant reasons for discarding notifications were analysed by reviewing the notifications forms which were abstracted from the system. Result Overall receiving 5311 notifications, 80.6% transferred in cases and 19.4% notified by local. Overall PPV was 36% (minimum-maximum = 15.2-54.7% across the year). 63% notification received were discarded, where 1932 (36%) were registered in the systems. Of 3397 discarded cases, most of them discarded because of negative serology (32.3%), duplicate (19.5%), no serology (10.5%), IGG +ve (7.7%) and failed to reach (3.7%). Conclusion Adaptation of the legal framework concerning notifications may increase the efficiency of the notification system since many notifications that do not lead public health action. Thus, provide useful surveillance data and may lead to better use of data from notified cases.
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@proceedings{APCPH-2019-231, title = {Positive Predictive Value of the Dengue Notification System in Kepong District, Kuala Lumpur}, author = {Mohd Ihsani Mahmood and Fuad Hashim and Mohd Khairul Anwar Shafii and Afham Faiz Jakariah}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-07-22}, urldate = {2019-07-22}, journal = {6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health 2019 Proceedings}, issue = {6}, abstract = {INTRODUCTION: The Malaysia Prevention and Control Disease Act 1988, requires notifying dengue case to health district office (PKD). All notified cases which fulfil the case definition will be register and control action will be initiated, after the verification case. Purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of notification system and evaluate associated factors with the discarded cases. METHODS: The e-notification and e-dengue system were used as the database for review of all cases notified by various healthcare facilities for the year 2018. Proportion of discarded notifications can be expressed as the positive predictive value (PPV) of the notification system. Therefore, we quantified the proportion of discarded to calculate the positive predictive value (PPV). The PPV was used to assess the efficiency of the system. The significant reasons for discarding notifications were analysed by reviewing the notifications forms which were abstracted from the system. Result Overall receiving 5311 notifications, 80.6% transferred in cases and 19.4% notified by local. Overall PPV was 36% (minimum-maximum = 15.2-54.7% across the year). 63% notification received were discarded, where 1932 (36%) were registered in the systems. Of 3397 discarded cases, most of them discarded because of negative serology (32.3%), duplicate (19.5%), no serology (10.5%), IGG +ve (7.7%) and failed to reach (3.7%). Conclusion Adaptation of the legal framework concerning notifications may increase the efficiency of the notification system since many notifications that do not lead public health action. Thus, provide useful surveillance data and may lead to better use of data from notified cases.}, note = {Type: POSTER PRESENTATION; Organisation:}, keywords = {Dengue, Discarded, Notification, Positive Predictive Value}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} }