Abstract Submission Guidelines
The scientific committee of the 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health cordially invites you to submit abstracts for the conference.
You will need to first register as a user for this website before you can submit an abstract. All abstracts must be submitted through the Abstract Submission link.
Abstracts submitted via e-mail, fax or regular mail will not be accepted. Submitted abstracts can be revised on the website before the stipulated abstract submission deadline. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent to the submitter by email.
Please ensure that anything you submit for the 8th APCPH 2022 conforms to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.
All abstracts should be in English. We accept abstracts for the following categories of work: original research, reviews, case series and case reports. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a reviewer appointed by the Scientific Committee of the 8th APCPH 2024. The decision on the acceptance of the abstract for presentation will be based on the recommendation of the reviewer and the Scientific Committee.
Format of the Abstract
Original Research and Reviews
The word count for the abstract should not exceed 500 words. The abstract describing the original research and reviews must be arranged in the structured format in one paragraph with the following sections: Introduction and Objectives; Methods; Results; Discussion (IMRAD Format).
Case Series and Case Reports
The word count for the summary of the case series and case report should not exceed 500 words. The summary for the case series and case report need not follow the structured format. It should describe the key findings of the case series or case report and provide a recommendation based on those key findings.
Online Abstract Submission
All abstracts submission must be submitted online and must include an abstract file in Word (doc/docx) format to be uploaded at the time of the abstract submission.
The information required during the online abstract submission is:
- Title of the abstract.
- Author’s name(s) with their affiliation(s)
- Keywords – between 3 and 5
- Topic (Authors can select one of the 9 topics listed below).
- Prefer mode of presentation (either Oral or Poster)
- The name of the presenter with his/her affiliation.
- Upload the Abstract File (doc/docx)
Steps for online abstract submission:
- Click the Abstract Submission button below to go to the Abstract Submission page.
- You will be directed to the Abstract Submission page which will show the Abstract Dashboard.
- Click on the “+New Abstract” link at the top of the Abstract Dashboard.
- Complete all the required information on the New Abstract page and click on the Submit Button when you are done.
- If you want to add more author(s) name and affiliation, click on the plus sign (+) next to the Author Information header.
- If you want to remove any author(s) name and affiliation, click on the minus sign (-) next to the Author Information header.
Upload Abstract File
All abstracts submission must include an abstract file in Word (doc/docx) format to be uploaded at the time of the abstract submission.
The maximum size for the abstract file is 2MB.
The abstract file should follow the following format:
- The title should be at the top of the document (Times New Roman, Size 14, Bold).
- The author’s name(s) with their affiliation(s) indicated at superscript Arabic Numerals (i.e., 1, 2, 3) should come after the title (Times New Roman, Size 10, Normal)
- The affiliation(s) with the numbering in Arabic Numerals (i.e., 1, 2, 3) should come after the author’s name(s) (Times New Roman, Size 10, Italic).
- The abstract text should come after the affiliation (Times New Roman, Size 12).
- The paragraph for the abstract text should be justified with single line spacing.
- The keywords (between 3 and 5) should come after the abstract text (Times New Roman, Size 12)
- Insert a line spacing between the title, author’s information and abstract text.
- No citation, abbreviation and acronyms are allowed in the abstract.
- Authors are recommended to avoid trade names and symbols.
The following topics are accepted for presentation at this conference.
- Health care management
- Health promotion
- Occupational health
- Environmental health
- Family health
- Communicable diseases
- Non-communicable diseases
- Health security
- Disease modelling
Key Dates
Abstract Submission open from 1st February 2024 to 31st May 2024
Notification of acceptance on 15th June 2024
Term and Conditions
- The presenting author shall be one of the authors listed in this abstract.
- Each participant can only submit a maximum of two abstracts to be considered for presentation at the conference.
- The author should indicate whether the submission is meant for poster or oral presentation. However, the final decision on the mode of presentation lies with the Scientific Committee.
- Presenters of abstracts accepted for poster/oral presentation must register and paid for the conference by 30th June 2024. The presentation shall be cancelled if the presenter did not register and paid by the date.
- The abstract will be published as online Conference Proceedings on this website.