Instruction for Oral Paper Presentation
- The presenter needs to upload and test their slides in the Secretariat Room on 09 July 2024, before 11:00 am.
- The presenter needs to be in the designated room 10 minutes before the allocated time.
- The schedule and venue for the Oral Sessions will be available in the programme book and the website from 01 July 2024 onwards.
- The duration of the presentation is seven (7) minutes followed by two (2) minutes of question and answer.
- The presenter is advised to adhere to the allocated time of 7 minutes for the presentation.
- The slides should be prepared as Microsoft PowerPoint slides or slides saved as PDF. We will not accept other formats.
- If you are including any video in the presentation slides, please ensure that the video is embedded in the slides. We do not encourage the presenter to have an external source link, e.g., YouTube Link, as the computer will not be able to support the features.
- If there is a change in the presenter, you need to inform the organiser on the first day of the conference, i.e., 09 July 2024.