INTRODUCTION: The incidence of breast cancer in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia ranks third out of 34 provinces in Indonesia, with an estimated number of 2,285 breast cancer patients. Based on the initial study, 18 out of 30 female students learned about the term Breast Self Examination (SADARI), but 14 people have never done SADARI. Health promotion innovation by utilizing technology is needed to improve the studentsÂ’ awareness in reducing the incidence of breast cancer. This study aims to measure the effect of SADARI health promotion through WhatsApp and Instagram social media on increasing knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the usefulness of technology in Andalas University students. METHODS: Quasi experiment study with a non-equivalent pretest post test design approach to female students in non-medical faculty of Andalas University, which are divided into health promotion recipients using WhatsApp dan Instagram. RESULTS: There are differences in the average score of knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the usefulness of the respondents technology before and after SADARI health promotion using WhatsApp and Instagram social media (p<0.05). The results of statistical tests show that the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of the usefulness of technology respondents in WhatsApp group are higher than the Instagram group (p<0.05). DISCUSSION: Health promotion using WhatsApp is more effective than Instagram. It is recommended to use WhatsApp and Instagram as an alternative SADARI health promotion media.
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@proceedings{APCPH-2019-88, title = {The Effectiveness of WhatsApp and Instagram as SADARI Health Promotion Media to Prevent Breast Cancer}, author = {Ayulia Fardila Sari ZA}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-07-22}, urldate = {2019-07-22}, journal = {6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health 2019 Proceedings}, issue = {6}, abstract = {INTRODUCTION: The incidence of breast cancer in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia ranks third out of 34 provinces in Indonesia, with an estimated number of 2,285 breast cancer patients. Based on the initial study, 18 out of 30 female students learned about the term Breast Self Examination (SADARI), but 14 people have never done SADARI. Health promotion innovation by utilizing technology is needed to improve the studentsÂ’ awareness in reducing the incidence of breast cancer. This study aims to measure the effect of SADARI health promotion through WhatsApp and Instagram social media on increasing knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the usefulness of technology in Andalas University students. METHODS: Quasi experiment study with a non-equivalent pretest post test design approach to female students in non-medical faculty of Andalas University, which are divided into health promotion recipients using WhatsApp dan Instagram. RESULTS: There are differences in the average score of knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the usefulness of the respondents technology before and after SADARI health promotion using WhatsApp and Instagram social media (p\<0.05). The results of statistical tests show that the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of the usefulness of technology respondents in WhatsApp group are higher than the Instagram group (p\<0.05). DISCUSSION: Health promotion using WhatsApp is more effective than Instagram. It is recommended to use WhatsApp and Instagram as an alternative SADARI health promotion media.}, note = {Type: ORAL PRESENTATION; Organisation: Departement of Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Andalas University, Indonesia}, keywords = {Health promotion, Instagram, SADARI, WhatsApp}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} }